There are so many men and women suffering from sex addiction. When a person is a sex addict, they suffer from a disease which is incurable, progressive, and capable of destroying their lives.
Sex addiction can be recovered with different types of therapy but whilst in the grips of this addiction, sufferers cannot escape their obsessive and compulsive behavior.
Similar to other addictions such as drug addiction and alcohol addiction, sex addiction is based on obsessive and compulsive needs. The behaviors of a sex addict can include repeated empty affairs and touching and rubbing the penis or clitoris and breasts for sexual pleasure. Sometimes they need prostitutes for sex services and in extreme cases they can even act of exposing their genitals in a public or semi-public context.
Sex addicts are not bad people. Their condition is not a moral failing.
What are the treatment options for a sex addiction?
Sex addiction is treatable, but it is incurable. Yet with the treatment of some therapy, a sex addict can regain a normal life again. Inpatient treatment in a counseling centre can be extremely beneficial to a sex addict seeking help for their problem. Many sex addicts will be in a state of denial about their problem but once they have admitted that they have a problem, they can begin the healing recovery process.
There are two types of treatments that can be provided. First, is group therapy. Second, is individual therapy. Individual therapy has been found to be the most successful process of dealing with a sex addiction.
In most rehabilitation centers, a sex addict will need to begin working with a daily program of recovery, and theses are the twelve steps program. There are fellowships which are devoted to helping sex addicts receive support and help in their behavior. With proper treatment and therapy, coupled with a program of recovery, a sex addict can begin to lead a happy and normal life again.